Both grants have been published by the Spanish Government and are regulated by Law 19/2021 of 20th December.
What is the minimum living income?
The Minimum Living Income is a social allowance aimed at preventing the threat of poverty and social exclusion of people who live alone or are part of a household and lack the financial resources to cover their basic needs.
- The sum to be received through the Minimum Living Income is not a fixed amount. Based on the income of each household, the State will provide the amount needed to reach the guaranteed minimum income. If no other benefits are being received, the Minimum Income will provide all that is needed to reach the guaranteed minimum.
- This allowance is not only for families, but also for people who do not have dependents.
- Spanish nationality is not required to receive this allowance.
- The minimum amount of this allowance is €565.37 per month and can be up to €1368.21 per month.
- Must reside legally and continuously in Spain for at least one year prior to submitting the application.
- Must meet the criteria of economic vulnerability as detailed in the Law.
- The applicant’s net worth will be checked, deducting any debts, and without taking into account the applicant’s main residence.
- Must have applied for other pensions and benefits to which they are entitled to.
- Must be registered as unemployed and seeking employment. If the applicant is not registered at the time of application, they have six months to register for unemployment benefits.
- Those who are receiving unemployment benefits can also apply for this allowance until the guaranteed income is reached.
Income limits for applying for the Minimum Living Income (IMV)
- Income: This requirement is met when the average monthly income and annual income for the previous year is at least 10 euros less than the monthly amount guaranteed by the minimum living income that corresponds to the modality and the number of members of the household.
- Assets: The individual beneficiary cannot apply for the Minimum Living Income if they have net assets, not including the main residence, valued at an amount equal to or greater than three times the corresponding amount of income guaranteed by the minimum living income for an individual beneficiary. In 2023 this is equivalent to 20,353.62 euros.
*It will be compulsory for the beneficiary of the Minimum Living Income to file an annual personal income tax return.
The same regulation also stipulates that, whether or not you are eligible for this allowance, you can apply for the child support approved by the government.
New allowance of up to 115 euros a month per child.
This is a new allowance that the ‘Seguridad Social’ introduced in 2022 and will be maintained throughout 2023.
The child support top-up (“the 115 euro per month child allowance”) is included in the Minimum Living Income Act (art. 11.6 and 13.2).
How much will I receive?
A monthly amount is paid for each dependent child in the household. The amount, which was increased in 2023, ranges from €57.50 to €115 per month, depending on the age of the child on the 1st January of the year in question (1st January of each year):
- For each child under three years of age: the allowance is 115 euros per month.
- For each child between three and under six years of age: 80,50 euros per month.
- For each child between six and under eighteen years of age: 57,50 euros per month.
Who can apply for this allowance?
- Those who are receiving the Minimum Living Income (IMV).
- Those who are receiving the former version of the child benefit.
- Households with dependent minors and low incomes, even if they do not receive the Minimum Living Income nor what was previously known as the ‘points allowance’. The income cap is 300% of that guaranteed by the Minimum Living Income, i.e., households with an income of less than three times the minimum income guaranteed by the IMV can apply for this allowance. It is also not possible to exceed 150% of the IMV income cap.
If you need our help with either or both applications or would like to arrange an appointment with one of our specialist lawyers and tax advisors, please do not hesitate to contact us.
For more information, please contact Pellicer & Heredia on +34 965 480 737 or email us at